Friday, May 22, 2009

Terrible Two's

I knew this would happen at some point, just not that soon!!!! He isn't even 2 years old and already is going through that phase. The last few days have been pretty rough around here, he's just misbehaving so much, I hope this won't last for long.  Any tips on how to make this easier for the two of us?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tot-School at last!

Tot School
~Diego is 21 months old~

Hi!!!!!!! It's been quite some time since my last post, things have been super busy here.

Well we did manage to do some tot-school activities and here they are. I've gathered some ideas from around the internet(can't remember exactly from where) , so I decided to teach him the letters and colors. I did a huge mistake at first because I decided to do tot-school in his room, which is filled with toys, not much learning happened that day! Then I decided to move to the living room and I got more stuff covered there, so I'll be sticking to the living room for now.

Here's my cute setup :)  Letter A, color: Amarillo (Yellow)

Here he is coloring his letter A amarillo... he also colored a bee (abeja) and a little chick.

He did this puzzle, it has the colors in English and Spanish.

On another day he colored the letter A  azul (blue) and he decided to paint himself blue too!
I'm so proud that he already knows how to say "azul" correctly!!! 

Here he is painting a rainbow (arcoiris). I put some drops of different finger paint colors for him to paint, but he decided to mix the colors with a crayon instead!! He also added "arcoiris" to his growing vocabulary, although it sound more like "coiis" but he knows what it is!!!!

Working with an "A" foam puzzle piece, I found the alphabet puzzle at Walmart for $1.00, it won't last that long!!!!

Painting the letter A anaranjado (orange).

Painting an ice cream scoop anaranjado.

And another one amarillo.

And finally i put some rice in this container and let him play in it for a while.
* If you have a cat cover the rice bin... It never ocurred to me to do so, so my cat used it as a litter box :(  Remind me to buy a closed bin! 

That was it for tot school. If you would like to see what others are doing for tot-school go here.